I'm an open source developer passionate about computer science and software engineering. I graduated from MIT in May 2024. I currently work at Reflex as a software engineer.
You can reach out to me through email or Matrix. I'm somewhat active on Mastodon.
I'm not currently looking for a job, but you can take a look at my resume anyways.
You can help support my projects on OpenCollective.
I typically use Rust to develop web platforms and desktop applications. I typically develop for the GNOME plaftorm, of which I'm a foundation member.
I host most of my projects on my GitLab profile and some on OpenCode's GitLab organization.
Fuiz — A web platform to host and play live quizzes. It is live on fuiz.org.
Impression — A straight-forward and modern application to create bootable drives. It's available on Flathub.
Switcheroo — A simple app to convert and manipulate images. It's available on Flathub.
Footage — A useful tool for quickly editing short videos and screencasts. It's available on Flathub.
Laundry Server — laundry.mit.edu
Random Hall — random-hall.mit.edu
OpenCode — opencode.mit.edu
Video Gamers Alliance — vga.mit.edu